There’s a certain joy in venturing outside at night and navigating by the glow of the moon. Sadly the moon is never quite bright enough to read a street sign, or to illuminate a sidewalk hidden under a tree’s shadow—but a Chinese space company aims to fix that.
Chengdu Aerospace Science and Technology Microelectronics System Research Institute Company (CASC) plans to build an artificial moon that would be eight times brighter than the real moon, reports Chinese newspaper The People’s Daily. The fake moon would actually a satellite, built to light areas between 6 and 50 miles wide,and would replace streetlights in the city of Chengdu.
The satellite is expected to launch in 2020, and Wu Chunfeng, CASC chairman, says testing has already begun.
Meanwhile, other groups are trying to make the world dark again. A 2016 study showed that more than 80% of the world, and 99% of people in the US and Europe, live in “light-polluted” areas, where the sky’s natural glow has been altered by artificial light from buildings and street lamps. Entire cities, like Flagstaff, Arizona and Ketchum, Idaho, are actively working to reduce light emissions at night. Both are certified “dark sky communities” by a group called the International Dark Sky Association, which offers dark sky designations to towns, parks, reserves, sanctuaries, and other places actively working towards a “more natural night sky.”
To address concerns about the artificial moon’s affect on wildlife, the People’s Daily quoted Kang Weimin, the director of optics at Harbin Institute of Technology, who said “the light of the satellite is similar to a dusk-like glow, so it should not affect animals’ routines.” But given that current levels of light pollution levels already throw off animal routines, a constant “dusk-like glow” would only make things worse.
विश्व की प्रथम शल्य चिकित्सा भारत में ( world's first ever Surgery performed in India)
प्लास्टिक सर्जरी (Plastic Surgery) जो आज की सर्जरी की दुनिया मे आधुनिकतम विद्या है इसका अविष्कार भारत मे हुअ है| सर्जरी का अविष्कार तो हुआ हि है प्लास्टिक सर्जरी का अविष्कार भी यहाँ हि हुआ है| प्लास्टिक सर्जरी मे कहीं की प्रचा को काट के कहीं लगा देना और उसको इस तरह से लगा देना की पता हि न चले यह विद्या सबसे पहले दुनिया को भारत ने दी है| 1780 मे दक्षिण भारत के कर्णाटक राज्य के एक बड़े भू भाग का राजा था हयदर अली| 1780-84 के बीच मे अंग्रेजों ने हयदर अली के ऊपर कई बार हमले किये और एक हमले का जिक्र एक अंग्रेज की डायरी मे से मिला है| एक अंग्रेज का नाम था कोर्नेल कूट उसने हयदर अली पर हमला किया पर युद्ध मे अंग्रेज परास्त हो गए और हयदर अली ने कोर्नेल कूट की नाक काट दी|
कोर्नेल कूट अपनी डायरी मे लिखता है के “मैं पराजित हो गया, सैनिको ने मुझे बन्दी बना लिया, फिर मुझे हयदर अली के पास ले गए और उन्होंने मेरा नाक काट दिया|” फिर कोर्नेल कूट लिखता है के “मुझे घोडा दे दिया भागने के लिए नाक काट के हात मे दे दिया और कहा के भाग जाओ तो मैं घोड़े पे बैठ के भागा| भागते भागते मैं बेलगाँव मे आ गया, बेलगाँव मे एक वैद्य ने मुझे देखा और पूछा मेरी नाक कहाँ कट गयी? तो मैं झूट बोला के किसीने पत्थर मार दिया, तो वैद्य ने बोला के यह पत्थर मारी हुई नाक नही है यह तलवार से काटी हुई नाक है, मैं वैद्य हूँ मैं जानता हूँ| तो मैंने वैद्य से सच बोला के मेरी नाक काटी गयी है| वैद्य ने पूछा किसने काटी? मैंने बोला तुम्हारी राजा ने काटी| वैद्य ने पूछा क्यों काटी तो मैंने बोला के उनपर हमला किया इसलिए काटी|फिर वैद्य बोला के तुम यह काटी हुई नाक लेके क्या करोगे? इंग्लैंड जाओगे? तो मैंने बोला इच्छा तो नही है फिर भी जाना हि पड़ेगा|” यह सब सुनके वो दयालु वैद्य कहता है के मैं तुम्हारी नाक जोड़ सकता हूँ, कोर्नेल कूट को पहले विस्वास नही हुआ, फिर बोला ठेक है जोड़ दो तो वैद्य बोला तुम मेरे घर चलो| फिर वैद्य ने कोर्नेल को ले गया और उसका ऑपरेशन किया और इस ऑपरेशन का तिस पन्ने मे वर्णन है| ऑपरेशन सफलता पूर्वक संपन्न हो गया नाक उसकी जुड़ गयी, वैद्य जी ने उसको एक लेप दे दिया बनाके और कहा की यह लेप ले जाओ और रोज सुबह शाम लगाते रहना| वो लेप लेके चला गया और 15-17 दिन के बाद बिलकुल नाक उसकी जुड़ गयी और वो जहाज मे बैठ कर लन्दन चला गया| फिर तिन महीने बाद ब्रिटिश पार्लियामेन्ट मे खड़ा हो कोर्नेल कूट भाषण दे रहा है और सबसे पहला सवाल पूछता है सबसे के आपको लगता है के मेरी नाक कटी हुई है? तो सब अंग्रेज हैरान होक कहते है अरे नही नही तुम्हारी नाक तो कटी हुई बिलकुल नही दिखती| फिर वो कहानी सुना रहा है ब्रिटिश पार्लियामेन्ट मे के मैंने हयदर अली पे हमला किया था मैं उसमे हार गया उसने मेरी नाक काटी फिर भारत के एक वैद्य ने मेरी नाक जोड़ी और भारत की वैद्यों के पास इतनी बड़ी हुनर है इतना बड़ा ज्ञान है की वो काटी हुई नाक को जोड़ सकते है| फिर उस वैद्य जी की खोंज खबर ब्रिटिश पार्लियामेन्ट मे ली गयी, फिर अंग्रेजो का एक दल आया और बेलगाँव की उस वैद्य को मिला, तो उस वैद्य ने अंग्रेजो को बताया के यह काम तो भारत के लगभग हर गाँव मे होता है; मैं एकला नहीं हूँ ऐसा करने वाले हजारो लाखों लोग है| तो अंग्रेजों को हैरानी हुई के कोन सिखाता है आपको ? तो वैद्य जी कहने लगे के हमारे इसके गुरुकुल चलते है और गुरुकुलों मे सिखाया जाता है| फिर अंग्रेजो ने उस गुरुकुलों मे गए उहाँ उन्होंने एडमिशन लिया, विद्यार्थी के रूप मे भारती हुए और सिखा, फिर सिखने के बाद इंग्लॅण्ड मे जाके उन्होंने प्लास्टिक सर्जरी शुरू की| और जिन जिन अंग्रेजों ने भारत से प्लास्टिक सर्जरी सीखी है उनकी डायरियां हैं| एक अंग्रेज अपने डायरी मे लिखता है के ‘जब मैंने पहली बार प्लास्टिक सर्जरी सीखी, जिस गुरु से सीखी वो भारत का विशेष आदमी था और वो नाइ था जाती का| मने जाती का नाइ, जाती का चर्मकार या कोई और हमारे यहाँ ज्ञान और हुनर के बड़े पंडित थे| नाइ है, चर्मकार है इस आधार पर किसी गुरुकुल मे उनका प्रवेश वर्जित नही था, जाती के आधार पर हमारे गुरुकुलों मे प्रवेश नही हुआ है, और जाती के आधार पर हमारे यहाँ शिक्षा की भी व्यवस्था नही था| वर्ण व्यवस्था के आधार पर हमारे यहाँ सबकुछ चलता रहा| तो नाइ भी सर्जन है चर्मकार भी सर्जन है| और वो अंग्रेज लिखता है के चर्मकार जादा अच्चा सर्जन इसलिए हो सकता है की उसको चमड़ा सिलना सबसे अच्छे तरीके से आता है| एक अंग्रेज लिख रहा है के ‘मैंने जिस गुरु से सर्जरी सीखी वो जात का नाइ था और सिखाने के बाद उन्होंने मुझसे एक ऑपरेशन करवाया और उस ऑपरेशन की वर्णन है| 1792 की बात है एक मराठा सैनिक की दोनों हात युद्ध मे कट गए है और वो उस वैद्य गुरु के पास कटे हुए हात लेके आया है जोड़ने के लिए| तो गुरु ने वो ऑपरेशन उस अंग्रेज से करवाया जो सिख रहा था, और वो ऑपरेशन उस अंग्रेज ने गुरु के साथ मिलके बहुत सफलता के साथ पूरा किया| और वो अंग्रेज जिसका नाम डॉ थॉमस क्रूसो था अपनी डायरी मे कह रहा है के “मैंने मेरे जीवन मे इतना बड़ा ज्ञान किसी गुरु से सिखा और इस गुरु ने मुझसे एक पैसा नही लिया यह मैं बिलकुल अचम्भा मानता हूँ आश्चर्य मानता हूँ|” और थॉमस क्रूसो यह सिख के गया है और फिर उसने प्लास्टिक सेर्जेरी का स्कूल खोला, और उस स्कूल मे फिर अंग्रेज सीखे है, और दुनिया मे फैलाया है| दुर्भाग्य इस बात का है के सारी दुनिया मे प्लास्टिक सेर्जेरी का उस स्कूल का तो वर्णन है लेकिन इन वैद्यो का वर्णन अभी तक नही आया विश्व
India ranked 13th in Nature Index 2017 based high quality research in natural sciences.
Science and Technology Development in India
Latest update: September, 2018
Cumulative Foreign Direct Investments in scientific instruments increased to US$ 260.46 million in December 2017 from US$ 10.81 million in FY08, leading to significant amount of technology transfer through industrial acquisitions.
For instance, Lupin’s total number of patent filings reached 2,837 in FY17 up from 600 in FY08. In FY17, the company filed 39 formulation patents, 128 API (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient), 42 in the field of biotech and 103 NDDD patent applications.
As of January 2017, Indian inventors contributed 658 patents to IBM, to help global software giant top the list for US patent recipients in 2016. IBM filed a total of 8,088 US patents, followed by Samsung Electronics in the 2nd position, with 5,518 patents.
Notes: NDDD–Novel Drug Discovery and Development, FY18*-Up to December 2017 Source: Reserve Bank of India, Department Of Industrial Policy and Promotion(DIPP)
India ranks third among the most attractive investment destinations for technology transactions in the world. Dr Harsh Vardhan, Union Minister of Department of Science & Technology, has reiterated that technology is a strong priority area for the government and it aims to make people science-centric. Modern India has had a strong focus on science and technology, realising that it is a key element of economic growth. India is among the topmost countries in the world in the field of scientific research, positioned as one of the top five nations in the field of space exploration. The country has regularly undertaken space missions, including missions to the moon and the famed Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV).
India is likely to take a leading role in launching satellites for the SAARC nations, generating revenue by offering its space facilities for use to other countries.
Market size
India ranks 6th position for scientific publications and ranks at 10th for patents which included only resident applications.* The number of patent applications filed by the Indian scientists and inventors increased to 47,857 in FY18 from 46,904 in FY16. India ranks 13th position at the Nature Index in 2017, based on counts of high-quality research outputs in natural sciences.
India improved its rank on the Global Innovation Index for the second year consecutively. From being ranked at the 81st position in 2015, India improved its ranking to 66th in 2016 and further to 60th in 2017.
The Government of India is extensively promoting research parks technology business incubators (TBIs) and (RPs) which would promote the innovative ideas till they become commercial ventures. India is world’s third largest technology startup hub with incorporation of 1,000 new companies in 2017.
The engineering R&D and product development market in India is forecasted to grow at a CAGR of 20.55 per cent to reach US$ 45 billion by 2020 from US$ 28 billion in FY18
With support from the government, considerable investment and development has incurred in different sectors such as agriculture, healthcare, space research, and nuclear power through scientific research. For instance, India is gradually becoming self-reliant in nuclear technology.
Recent developments
Some of the recent developments in the field of science and technology in India are as follows:
As per the Government records, the number of Indian scientists coming back to India to pursue research opportunities has increased from 243 in 2007-2012 to 649 between 2012 and 2017 . In the span of 5 years 649 Indian scientists have returned to pursue research opportunities.
India's space business to witness tremendous growth in the next five years, on the back of technology advancement, global space business opportunity and a sharp rise in Indian Space Research Organisation’s (ISRO) satellite launch capability.
Investment Scenario
GridRaster Inc, working in the virtual and augmented reality space, has raised US$ 2 million as seed funding, which will be used for marketing and product development.
India’s R&D investments forecasted to increase to US$ 83.27 billion in 2018 from US$ 76.91 billion in 2017.
Government Initiatives
In February 2018, Union Ministry of Science and Technology developed an interface to enable transfer of technologies from Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) laboratories to small-scale industries.
In February 2018, the Union Cabinet has approved implementation of 'Prime Minister Research Fellows (PMRF)' scheme, which will promote the mission of development through innovation, at a total cost of Rs 1,650 crore (US$ 245.94 million) for a period of seven years beginning 2018-19.
In February 2018, Union Government of India announced grant of Rs 1,000 crore (US$ 155.55 million) for the second phase of Impacting Research Innovation and Technology (IMPRINT), a fund created by Department of Science and Technology and Ministry of Human Resource and Development.
The Government of India granted Atal Innovation Mission with US$ 24.84 million will boost the academicians, entrepreneurs and researchers to work towards innovation.
The Union Budget 2018-19
The allocation to the Department of Science and Technology (DST) has been increased by 8.21 per cent to Rs 5,114.78 crore (US$ 790.05 million) as against the previous budget.
The budget for the Ministry of Science and Technology, has been increased by 6.11 per cent to Rs 12,322.28 crore (US$ 1.9 billion) as against the previous budget.
The Department of Atomic Energy has been allocated Rs 13,971.41 crore (US$ 2.16 billion), an increase of 5.76 per cent against the previous budget.
The Ministry of Earth Sciences was allocated Rs 1,800 crore (US$ 278.04 million), which is an increase of 12.66 per cent as against the previous budget.
The Road Ahead
India is aggressively working towards establishing itself as a leader in industrialisation and technological development. Significant developments in the nuclear energy sector are likely as India looks to expand its nuclear capacity. Moreover, nanotechnology is expected to transform the Indian pharmaceutical industry. The agriculture sector is also likely to undergo a major revamp, with the government investing heavily for the technology-driven Green Revolution. Government of India, through the Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Policy-2013, among other things, aspires to position India among the world’s top five scientific powers. Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) will launch its first Indian human mission by 2022.
Exchange Rate Used: INR 1 = US$ 0.0149 as of Q1 FY19.
References – Media reports, Press Releases, Press Information Bureau (PIB), Union Budget 2016-17
Notes - * - rank as of FY18
Disclaimer: This information has been collected through secondary research and IBEF is not responsible for any errors in the
17 Motivational Quotes to Inspire You to Be Successful
Successful people don’t become that way overnight. What most people see at a glance—happiness, wealth, a great career, purpose—is the result of hard work and hustle over time.
To be successful, you have to use each day as an opportunity to improve, to be better, to get a little bit closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with a busy schedule, next to impossible. But the best part is, the more you accomplish, the more you’ll want to do, the higher you’ll want to reach. So as long as you have the hunger for success, you will always have the power within you to achieve it.
Use your ambition, drive and desire—along with these 17 motivational quotes—to make it happen.
The most popular messaging apps have hundreds of millions of users, but how secure are they really? The Electronic Frontier Foundation has been finding out, producing a “secure messaging scorecard” to rate them on a range of criteria.
Are messages encrypted in transit, and encrypted so the provider can’t read them? Can you verify contacts’ identities? Are past communications secure if your keys are stolen? Is the code open to independent review, is the security design properly documented, and has the code been audited?
“Many companies offer ‘secure messaging’ products – but are these systems actually secure? We decided to find out, in the first phase of a new EFF Campaign for Secure & Usable Crypto,” explains the EFF.
“This scorecard represents only the first phase of the campaign. In later phases, we are planning to offer closer examinations of the usability and security of the tools that score the highest here.”
What’s interesting is that the apps that score seven green ticks are the likes of ChatSecure, CryptoCat, Signal, SilentPhone, Silent Text and TextSecure. Yet for most mainstream users, what defines their choice of messaging app is not “how secure is it?” but rather “which one are my friends using?”
BBM, Facebook chat, Google Hangouts, Kik Messenger, Skype, Snapchat, WhatsApp and Viber don’t score well on the EFF’s criteria, for example. Apple’s iMessage actually does pretty well, with five out of seven ticks.
Even so, will the EFF’s new research encourage those mainstream messaging apps to beef up their security? Or are we going to continue seeing a divide: security-conscious people messaging other security-conscious people on the niche apps, while everyone else continues using the popular apps?
The comments section is open for your thoughts: I’d be interested to hear how important security is in your choice of messaging app, and whether you’ve tried to persuade friends to switch from one to another on those grounds. If so, did they?
Also on the radar today:
WireLurker is a new malware family that targets Macs and iOS devices, infecting the former in order to reach the latter – including non-jailbroken devices. “It is the first known malware that can infect installed iOS applications similar to a traditional virus,” claims Palo Alto Networks.
Musician Aloe Blacc has published an opinion piece on Wired strongly criticising US streaming music service Pandora after he earned less than $4,000 for his co-writing share of a song streamed more than 168 million times. “If songwriters cannot afford to make music, who will?”
The Verge has tested an early production model of’s Puls smartwatch, and isn’t impressed. To say the least. “It’s objectively the worst product I’ve touched all year... The Puls feels like a Kickstarter concept product that never should have made it to production.” Ouch.
Snapchat is getting into music, video and news. Or at least preparing to. Digiday claims the messaging app is in talks with Comedy Central, Spotify, Vice, BuzzFeed, CNN, the Daily Mail, ESPN, Cosmopolitan magazine, National Geographic, People magazine and Vevo.
A crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo by aiming to provide “an hour of code for every student” is already up to $2.8m of pledges, with Mark Zuckerberg already having chipped in. “Our schools teach kids how to dissect a frog and how weather works. Today, it’s equally fundamental to learn to ‘dissect an app’, or how the Internet works...”
I actually don’t mind Russell Brand, but the “Parklife” meme – essentially someone realised that his more verbose sentences perfectly suit someone shouting “PARKLIFE” at the end, as if he was delivering Phil Daniels’ lines in the Blur song – has been making me smile a lot this past day.
What stories have piqued your interest, and what do you think of the pieces linked to above? The comments section is open for your views.